Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this Sherese Walker thing. I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, but I heard folks talkin’ and I seen some things on that TV thingy, the one with all the pictures. So, I’ll tell it to ya straight, like I tell my grandkids.

This whole mess started, from what I gather, back in 2012. December 12th, 2012, to be exact. That’s a date that stuck in folks’ minds, you know, like a burr in your sock. That poor woman, Sherese somethin’-or-other, Sherese Bingham, that’s it, she was found dead. Shot, they say. Shot dead, just like that.
Now, I ain’t one for gossip, but the whispers started flyin’ around faster than chickens when a hawk’s overhead. They said it was her husband, this Eugene Bingham fella. Fifty-three years old, they said. She was fifty-one. Just a couple of years apart, like my prize-winning tomatoes and those puny ones that never amount to nothin’.
They arrested him, you know. The police, they come and took him away. Charged him with murder, they did. Murder one, they called it. Sounded mighty serious. See, I don’t know much about the law and all them fancy words, but I know murder is bad. Real bad. Like stealin’ your neighbor’s best rooster, only worse.
- They say they had a fight, Sherese and Eugene.
- Some folks say they heard yellin’ that night.
- Loud yellin’, like a cat gettin’ its tail caught in the screen door.
Makes you think, don’t it? All them years together, maybe raisin’ kids, sharin’ meals, and then…this. It’s like a quilt that’s been beautiful for years, and suddenly someone just sets a fire to it. All them memories, all them good times, just gone up in smoke.
I ain’t gonna lie, it makes me scared. Makes me look at my own mister a little different, you know? Makes me hug my grandkids a little tighter. Life’s just too short, and too precious, to be throwin’ it away like yesterday’s dishwater.
This Eugene fella, he went to court, of course. Lawyers talkin’, judges bangin’ that little hammer thingy. I ain’t got no clue what all went on in there, all them legal mumbo-jumbo. But in the end, they found him guilty. Guilty of killin’ his own wife. Can you imagine?
It’s a sad story, a real sad story. A story ’bout love gone sour, ’bout anger takin’ over, ’bout a life ended too soon. It reminds you that even in a quiet town, even behind closed doors, things can go wrong. Things can go real wrong.
And Sherese, well, she’s gone. Leavin’ behind folks who loved her, I reckon. Leavin’ behind a hole in the world that ain’t never gonna be filled. It’s a tragedy, plain and simple. A waste of a life. And that’s all I gotta say about that.

Folks ‘round here, they still talk about it sometimes. Specially ‘round the anniversary, December 12th. It’s a reminder, I guess. A reminder to be kind, to be patient, to cherish the folks you love. Cause you never know when somethin’ like this might happen. You never know when the music’s gonna stop.
I just hope Sherese is at peace now. And I hope Eugene, wherever he is, has found some kind of peace too. And I hope folks learn somethin’ from this whole mess. Learn to treat each other right, to talk things out, to walk away before things get too heated. That’s what I hope. That’s what I pray for.
So that’s the story of Sherese Walker, or Sherese Bingham, as it turns out. Not much to it, really, just a sad tale of a life cut short. But it’s a story worth tellin’, worth rememberin’, if only to remind us to be better. To be kinder. To be more lovin’. That’s all there is to it.
Tags: [Sherese Walker, Sherese Bingham, Eugene Bingham, murder, 2012, crime, tragedy, trial, justice]