Alright, let’s gab a bit about them two girls, Melissa Sue Anderson and Melissa Gilbert, from that there show, “Little House on the Prairie.” You know, the one with all them kids runnin’ around in bonnets and such. I watched it a bit when I had the time, between milkin’ cows and fixin’ supper, you know how it is.
The two Melissas, sisters on TV but not so much in real life, from what I hear. One played Mary, the blind one, all quiet and proper-like. The other played Laura, the spunky one, always gettin’ into scrapes. They say on TV they was close as peas in a pod, but off-screen, well, that’s a different story, I reckon.
Now, Melissa Gilbert, she went on and did a bunch of stuff after the show. Even danced on that “Dancing with the Stars” show, can you believe it? At her age, too! Good for her, I say. She’s one of them that likes to keep lookin’ young, always fussin’ over wrinkles and such. But hey, to each their own. She’s got this thing now, “Modern Prairie,” for us older gals, which is nice, I guess. Helps us feel a little less like old hens, maybe.
- Melissa Gilbert danced on “Dancing with the Stars”.
- She is focused on looking young.
- Melissa created “Modern Prairie” for older women.
Melissa Sue Anderson, the Mary girl, she was different. Folks say she was kind of cold and stuck-up, not as friendly as Melissa Gilbert. I don’t know them personally, mind you, just repeatin’ what I heard. After the prairie days, she did some more acting, TV movies and such. “The Equalizer,” they say, and that “Veronica Mars” thing. Never watched ’em myself, too busy with my own chores.
It’s funny, ain’t it? How you see folks on TV, playin’ sisters, and you think they must be best friends in real life. But it ain’t always so. Just like them two Melissas. On TV, Mary and Laura were close, but the real Melissas, well, they had their differences, seems like.
I remember readin’ somewhere, maybe in one of them old magazines my granddaughter leaves lyin’ around, that the real Ingalls sisters was different too. One was quiet, the other one a tomboy. Always arguin’, the book said. Guess some things just stay the same, whether it’s real life or make-believe.
It makes you think, doesn’t it? All that glitters ain’t gold, as they say. You see them actors on TV, all smilin’ and pretendin’, and you think they got it all figured out. But they’re just folks, like you and me, with their own problems and ups and downs.
And that Mary girl, Melissa Sue, she sure did play that blind part good. Made you feel sorry for her, all quiet and sweet-like. But then you hear she wasn’t so sweet in real life, and it kinda bursts your bubble, you know?
But that’s the way of the world, I guess. Things ain’t always what they seem. Just like them two Melissas. Sisters on TV, strangers in real life, maybe. Who knows for sure? I sure don’t. I’m just an old woman, tellin’ it like I heard it.
Anyway, that’s enough gabbin’ for one day. Got to go feed the chickens and check on the garden. Them tomatoes ain’t gonna water themselves, you know.

Tags: [Melissa Sue Anderson, Melissa Gilbert, Little House on the Prairie, TV sisters, actresses, Mary Ingalls, Laura Ingalls, Dancing with the Stars, Modern Prairie, The Equalizer, Veronica Mars]