Well, hey there, y’all! Let’s talk about somethin’ called “turkey fries.” Now, don’t go gettin’ all confused, thinkin’ it’s some kinda fancy potato thing. It ain’t. Turkey fries is… well, it’s turkey parts. Not the wings or the legs, mind you. We talkin’ about somethin’ a little more… uh… personal.
See, some folks, they don’t like to waste nothin’. And when they got a turkey, they use every last bit. That includes the… how do I put this politely… the “family jewels,” as some might say. Yep, you heard right. Turkey fries are mostly the turkey’s testicles. Don’t scrunch up your nose yet! Hear me out.

Now, I ain’t gonna lie, it might sound a little strange. But folks eat all kinds of things, don’t they? And out in the country, where I come from, you learn to make do with what you got. Waste not, want not, that’s what my grandma always said. So, if you got a turkey, and you got… those… well, you might as well cook ’em up!
So how do you make these “turkey fries”? Well, from what I hear, you gotta clean ’em up real good first. Then, some folks slice ’em, some leave ’em whole. Then, it’s all about the batter. You know, flour, some spices, maybe a little milk or beer to make it stick. Then you fry ’em up good and hot, just like you would anything else.
- First, clean them good.
- Then slice’em or not, up to you.
- Batter them up with flour and spices.
- Fry ’em hot.
Now, what do they taste like? That’s the million-dollar question, ain’t it? Well, I ain’t had ’em myself, but folks say they taste… kinda like chicken, but a little… gamier. Some say it’s like a tender piece of meat, real juicy if you cook it right. And with that crispy batter? I reckon it’s pretty darn good, especially if you’re hungry. Others say it’s a bit like oysters, which is why some folks call ’em “prairie oysters” or “Rocky Mountain oysters.” I guess it all depends on how you cook ’em and what you’re used to eatin’.
There’s another kind of “turkey fries” out there too, mind you. Some folks, they take turkey breast, slice it up real thin like, and fry that up. That’s more like chicken strips, but made with turkey. It’s a good way to use up leftover turkey, especially after a big holiday meal. You can batter ’em up like the other kind of turkey fries, or just season ’em with some salt and pepper. Kids seem to like that kind pretty good.
But the real deal, the ones we’re talkin’ about, those are the… you know… the testicles. It ain’t somethin’ you see every day, least not in the city. But out in the country, where folks are a little more… resourceful… it’s just another way to put food on the table. And I reckon there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.
Now, I heard some folks even have whole festivals and cook-offs dedicated to these things. Imagine that! People comin’ from all over just to eat some… well, you know. It just goes to show you, there’s all kinds of different tastes and traditions out there. What one person thinks is weird, another person thinks is delicious. And that’s just fine by me.
So, there you have it. The lowdown on turkey fries. It ain’t fancy, it ain’t for the faint of heart, but it’s food, and for some folks, it’s a tasty treat. Whether you’re talkin’ about the testicles or the sliced-up breast, it’s all about makin’ the most of what you got. And that’s somethin’ I can always get behind.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gettin’ hungry just talkin’ about all this food. Maybe I’ll go fry up some chicken. Or maybe… well, maybe not. I reckon I’ll stick with what I know for now.

Tags: [turkey fries, turkey testicles, prairie oysters, rocky mountain oysters, turkey recipe, rural food, unusual food, country cooking]